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The story behind creating the OnePercent Podcast

With every great success, there is an even greater story behind what it took to reach that moment....

Lying on the couch pumped full of chemo I got a moment of clarity. This disease that unexpectedly took it's place in my life completely changed my outlook and purpose. As you may of already read or heard during the first episode of the podcast, I was diagnosed with stage 3 colon cancer at the age of 31. I was active, healthy and never even had a cavity. Then boom.....Cancer. Actually cancer that had already spread into 3 of the surrounding lymph nodes. So this was extremely unexpected.

My plans in life changed. Instead of pursing career goals, everything in life got put on hold as I tried to heal and recover from surgery, chemotherapy and radiation.

During my treatments, I knew my suffering, pain and story would be used to influence so many others. So I kept records of my journey. As I replayed the details over and over I knew that I wasn't alone. There had to be others out there with cancer that needed their story told as well.

After getting hooked on a few podcast and having spent 10 years in my previous profession interviewing people, I knew this was the perfect opportunity.

Six years later and after researching and interviewing cancer warriors, survivors and caregivers the OnePercent podcast was born. The name OnePercent comes from the unique moments during life's biggest struggles that can allow us to change trajectory and move past anxiety and fear and toward hope and strength. Some would call these moments "winks" from God. Moments where He gives us a glimmer of hope or strength that's unexpected. I believe if we intentionally focus and look for these moments we can push through any circumstance and enjoy the life God has planned for us. Even if it involves unexpected circumstances.

As you listen to each episode, listen for those moments. They will help you understand the importance of intentionality and give you the one percent you need to make it through any situation



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